CARD Student Poster Winners – May 2024

CARD Student Poster Winners – May 2024

Featured left to right are Siyuan Chen (honorable mention), Ocean Monjur (3rd place), Itamar Harris (3rd place), Ramin Nemati (2nd place) and Mucheng Li (1st place). 

We are pleased to announce the following winners of CARD’s May 2024 poster competition that was held at CARD’s Industry Advisory Board meeting, May 15 – 17, 2024 at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

  • 1st Place: Mucheng Li, WPI – “Optical Fiber Noses for Real-time, In-line Gas and Aroma Sensing in Drying”
  • 2nd Place: Ramin Nemati, UIUC – “Determining Product Morphology and Permeability of Foods During Drying Using Micro CT Scanning and Pore Scale Modeling”
  • 3rd Place: Itamar Harris, WPI – “Heating, Baking, Drying with Laser Technology for Food, Pulp and Paper, and Chemicals Industry Sector”
  • 3rd Place: Ocean Monjur, UIUC – “Drying Process Endpoint and Product Quality Monitoring using Optical Sensing and Machine Learning”
  • Honorable Mention: Siyuan Chen, UIUC – “Reinforcement Learning-Guided Beam Search (RLGBS) for Process Optimization in a Paper Machine Dryer Section”.

With the winning students (featured center in the photos below) are from left to right: Yuxiang (Shawn) Liu, CARD WPI Co-Chair; Mark Lippi, CARD Emeritus Program Manager; Jamal Yagoobi, CARD Director – WPI; Sanjay Sarang, PepsiCo – CARD IAB Chair; Srinivasa Salapaka, CARD UIUC Site Director; and Mohammed Kamruzzaman, Poster Session Organizer.

Congratulations to all. We are so incredibly proud of this amazing talent.


Poster winner – 1st place – Mucheng Li


Poster Winner – 2nd place – Ramin Nemati


Poster Winner – 3rd place tie – Ocean Monjur


Poster Winner – 3rd place tie – Itamar Harris


Poster Winner – Honorable Mention – Siyuan-Chen

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