CARD Researcher Yash Shah’s Paper Chosen for InterPore Journal Cover
UIUC’s professor Pawan Takhar’s student Yash Shah’s paper entitled “Hybrid mixture theory-based modeling of unsaturated transport in a deforming porous food matrix during frying” has been selected for the cover page of Interpore Journal. It is an International Society of Porous Media Journal. This is quite an honor since the editors selected it independently.
As his article was going to press, Yash discovered that the software package (Comsol Multiphysics) used for modeling had a bug causing wrong calculations. If the Journal published it, no one would have known. But they decided to fix the issue and told the Journal to hold its publication. It took them two weeks to find the fix using a different calculation method. They also convinced the software vendor that they had a bug, which they will fix in the next release. Professor Takhar stated he “was proud that Yash took a challenging path and decided to do a lot more extra work, such as re-plotting all the figures.”
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