Ragya Kapoor Wins 2nd at IFT Oral Competition
We are thrilled to share that Ragya Kapoor won 2nd place at the prestigious 2023 IFT Sustainable Food Systems Division Graduate Student Oral Competition. The title of her presentation was Novel Ultrasound-Based Drying Technology for Sustainable Production of Plant Protein Isolates With Improved Functionality. Ragya has been actively involved as a researcher at CARD for […]
Spring 2023 Student Poster Competition Winners
At our May, CARD Industry Advisory Board (IAB) Meeting, the following students were awarded certificates in the poster competition. 1st Place: Yao Shen 2nd Place: Anurag Bhattacharjee 3rd Place: Luis Luna Honorable Mention: Hanshen Yu (not featured) Congratulations to the winners […]
CARD Spring IAB Meeting a Success
Last week, May 18 – 19, 2023, we held our Spring Industry Advisory Board Meeting (IAB) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. It was well attended with 60+ registrants that included members, guests, faculty, students, and administrative staff. The students did a great job presenting project and poster results. Members had several opportunities to meet […]
Fidele Abedi Earns Postdoc Appointment at UC Davis
We are pleased to share that Fidele Abedi has earned a Postdoctoral Scholar Employee appointment at the University of California, Davis in the Food Science and Technology Department. Previously, Fidele was one of Dr. Pawan Takhar’s students (University of Illinois) and very involved in CARD’s research projects. Congratulations, Fidele!
CARD Researchers Present at Workshop on Control and Game Theory
We are pleased to share that Professor Srinivasa Salapaka ,and his student, Alisina Bayati, both of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, were invited to present papers at the 9th Midwest Workshop on Control and Game Theory held at the University of Minnesota April 22-23, 2023 in Minneapolis. Srinivasa (left) presented a paper titled: “Parameterized Sequential […]
Dr. Petros Sofronis to be Keynote Speaker at May Meeting
We are pleased to announce that Dr. Petros Sofronis of the Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and the International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research at Kyushu University in Japan will be the Keynote Speaker at the CARD Spring IAB Meeting on May 18, 2023. Professor Sofronis’ research focuses […]
Lee & Yagoobi Present at Reckitt Benckiser Conference
Professors Youngsoo Lee (left) and Jamal Yagoobi (below) presented information on behalf of The Center for Advanced Research in Drying (CARD) at the Reckitt Benckiser (RB) Global Powder Network International Conference on April 12, 2023. The conference was joined by RB employees from around the world. The topics of the professor’s discussions were: “Application of […]
Stan Tu Successfully Defends Master’s Thesis
We are so pleased to share that CARD researcher, Stan Tu of the University of Illinois, successfully defended his Master’s thesis “CHARACTERIZATION OF SPRAY DRIED POWDERS BY NEAR INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY” on February 23, 2023. His advisor was Dr. Youngsoo Lee of the University of Illinois.
Ragya Kapoor Successfully Defends Dissertation
We are happy to announce that Ragya Kapoor, a researcher at CARD and a student at the University of Illinois-Urbana champaign, has successfully defended her dissertation titled “Vitamin E-loaded, Ultrasound-dried Microcapsules Stabilized by Modified Pea Protein Isolate”. Her advisor was Dr. Hao Feng. Congratulations, Ragya!
Zahra Noori O’Connor Wins 1st Prize at WPI Competition
The annual Graduate Research Innovation Exchange (GRIE) at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) is a poster celebration and competition that highlights the breadth, diversity, and quality of WPI’s graduate research. Sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the Dean of Graduate Studies, it is a two-part event consisting of an Open Research Celebration and Finals […]